id description SVG PNG


same as the original

GoogleGLogo 1

GoogleGLogo 1


slightly chopped the blue bit

GoogleGLogo 2

GoogleGLogo 2


chopped the blue off

GoogleGLogo 3

GoogleGLogo 3


small gap

GoogleGLogo 4

GoogleGLogo 4


turn the blue bit to black

GoogleGLogo 5

GoogleGLogo 5


turn the blue & green bit to black

GoogleGLogo 6

GoogleGLogo 6


turn the blue, green & yellow bit to black

GoogleGLogo 7

GoogleGLogo 7


turn the blue, green, yellow & red bit to black

GoogleGLogo 8

GoogleGLogo 8


background in black

GoogleGLogo 9

GoogleGLogo 9


made dirty

GoogleGLogo A

GoogleGLogo A


swap blue and red

GoogleGLogo B

GoogleGLogo B


apply skewX transformation

GoogleGLogo C

GoogleGLogo C


resized smaller a bit

GoogleGLogo D

GoogleGLogo D


flipped vertically

GoogleGLogo E

GoogleGLogo E


rotate -90 degree

GoogleGLogo F

GoogleGLogo F


flipped horizontally

GoogleGLogo G

GoogleGLogo G