

ATX heading examples

A study how the HTML id values of ATX headings are generated by GitHub Flavored Markdown processor

The simplest case

Here is the simplest case

issue3 Asciidoc & Markdown

Ampersand character (&) matters.

issue8 Under bar _ character

Under bar character (_) matters.

Parentheses ( and ) characters

Parentheses ( and ) matters

issue12 Dot . character

Dot character (.) matters.

issue13 Hyphen - character

Hyphen character (-) matters.

issue14 Slash / character

Slash character (/) matters.

issue15 Colon : character

Colon character (:) matters.

“publishdocs” — a custom Gradle task

$ cd MarkdownUtils
$ gradle publishdocs

This single line is equivalent to the following operation in the command line:

$ cd MarkdownUtils
$ cd docs
$ ./ -t
$ cd ..
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "update docs"
$ git push



Problem to solve

The index_.adoc is originally authored in AsciiDoc. I will execute the following command.

$ cd docs
$ ./ -t

The will generate file. It will have the following “Table of Contents” section.

-   [MarkdownUtils](#_markdownutils)
    -   [com.kazurayam.markdownutils.PandocMarkdownTranslator](#_com_kazurayam_markdownutils_pandocmarkdowntranslator)
        -   [Problem to solve](#_problem_to_solve)

# MarkdownUtils

When I push this up to GitHub, the link from TOC to the body sections does not work. The links are broken.

What do I mean “the links are broken”? If you open using any web browser and view the HTML source, you will find a section:

        <a href="#_problem_to_solve">Problem to solve</a>

and also you will find a sction:

I will execute the follwoing command:

$ cd $MarkdownUtils
$ java -jar ./libs/MarkdownUtils-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT ./ ./

The jar contains the com.kazurayam.markdownutils.PandocMarkdownTranslator class. The above command will call translateFile("./", "") emthod, and generate a new file, which will have the following section:

-   [MarkdownUtils](#markdownutils)
    -   [com.kazurayam.markdownutils.PandocMarkdownTranslator](#com-kazurayam-markdownutils-pandocmarkdowntranslator)
        -   [Problem to solve](#problem-to-solve)

# MarkdownUtils

Please find the link symbols are slightly amended. The amended link symbols conforms to GitHub Flavoured Mardown spec. When is pushed to GitHub, the links in TOC to text body will work.

The PandocMarkdownTranslator does this small patching over Markdown texts generated by pandoc.