

What is this for

The java-diff-report is a small Java libary which aims to supplement the java-diff-utils library. The java-diff-report accepts 2 input texts (as Files, Paths, Strings, URLs) and call the java-diff-utils to generate the Diff. The java-diff-report accepts the output Diff info from the java-diff-utils libary and compiles a report in Markdown format.

How to get the jar

The jar is available at

API Javadoc

Sample usage

package com.kazurayam.sample;

import com.kazurayam.difflib.text.Differ;
import com.kazurayam.difflib.text.DiffInfo;
import com.kazurayam.difflib.text.MarkdownReporter;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Path original = Paths.get("./src/test/fixtures/text1.txt");
        Path revised = Paths.get("./src/test/fixtures/text2.txt");
        Path output = Paths.get("./build/tmp/");

        DiffInfo diffInfo = Differ.diffFiles(original, revised);
        diffInfo.setTitle("Sample diff report of 2 text files");
        MarkdownReporter reporter = new MarkdownReporter.Builder(diffInfo).build();
        Files.writeString(output, reporter.compileMarkdownReport());


This will be rendered as this:

sample report compact screenshot]